SBIR Phase 1
2019 - Non-Explosive Wire Rope & Cable Cutter - US Navy
2019 - Formable Reactive Material - Office of Naval Research
2018 - Hyper Velocity Projectile - Missile Defense Agency
2017 - Reactive Composite Materials for Asymmetric Shock Propagation in Multi-function Weapons - Air Force Research Laboratory
2017 - MOT Phase 3 Enhancement: Development of TEC Torch Technology - Low-cost Cartridge for the First Responder Community, Air Force Research Laboratory
2014 - A Novel Method for Creating Microshear in Aerosolized Packed Powders - US ARMY RDECOM [Edgewood]
2013 - Modification to Microscale Ordnance Technology for MAV’s: MVT Breaching Robot Snake for POL Ignition - Air Force Research Laboratory
2013 - Fuel Air Explosives Technologies from Dual use Materials - Air Force Research Laboratory
2013 - Modification to Microscale Ordnance Technology for MAV’s: MVT Breaching Robot Snake - Air Force Research Laboratory
2013 - Enhancement to Focused Miniature Ordnance Technology: Activated Aluminum - Air Force Research Laboratory
2013 - Nonlethal Warhead for Miniature Organic Precision Munitions - Army Research Laboratory
2012 - Kinetic Energy Control Technology - Air Force Research Laboratory
2010 - Insensitive Reactive Liner - NAVAIR China Lake
2010 - Microscale Ordnance Technology for MAV’s - Air Force Research Laboratory
2009 - Variable Effects Explosive - Air Force Research Laboratory
2009 - Enhancement to Dial-A-Yield Munitions: Multifunctional Energetics for Multipurpose Applications - Air Force Research Laboratory
2009 - Enhancement to Dial-A-Yield Munitions: Mach-Stem of Structural Reactive Materials - Air Force Research Laboratory
2009 - Focused Miniature Ordnance Technology - Air Force Research Laboratory
2006 - Neutralization without Detonation of IED’s in the Field - Defense Threat Reduction Agency
2006 - Dial-A-Yield Munitions - Air Force Research Laboratory
SBIR Phase 2
2019 - MOT Follow On – Low Cost TEC Torch & RM12GA - Air Force Research Laboratory
2015 - Enhancement to Focused Miniature Ordnance Technology: Selectable Fragmentation Warhead - Air Force Research Laboratory
2011 - Variable Effects Explosive - Air Force Research Laboratory
2011 - Miniature Ordnance Technology - Air Force Research Laboratory
2010 - Focused Miniature Ordnance Technology - Air Force Research Laboratory
2007 - Neutralization without Detonation of IED’s in the Field - Defense Threat Reduction Agency
2007 - Dial-A-Yield Munitions - Air Force Research Laboratory
SBIR Phase 3
2019 - MOT Follow On – Low Cost TEC Torch & RM12GA - Air Force Research Laboratory
2015 - Focused Miniature Ordnance Technology - Air Force Research Laboratory
2014 - Microscale Ordnance Technology for MAV’s - Microscale Ordnance Technology for MAV’s
2010 - Neutralization without Detonation of IED’s in the Field - Defense Threat Reduction Agency
2009 - Dial-A-Yield Munitions Commercialization Pilot Program - Air Force Research Laboratory
Direct Contracts
2020 - Underwater Ballistic Acoustic Vulnerability - Advanced Acoustic Concepts, LLC (IRAD)
2020 - Angler System 2.0 – Seabed Warfare - Advanced Acoustic Concepts, LLC (ONR)
2019 - Angler UUV Development & Gun Integration - Advanced Acoustic Concepts, LLC (IRAD)
2018 - Advanced Shaped Charges Design & Testing - Innovative Defense LLC
2018 - 20mm Underwater ROV ANTX Demonstration - Advanced Acoustic Concepts, LLC (IRAD)
2018 - 20mm ESAF Underwater Gun Development - Advanced Acoustic Concepts LLC (IRAD)
2017 - 20mm SCP Seamine Defeat - Advanced Acoustic Concepts
2017 - 20mm SCP Cargo Bullet Development - Advanced Acoustic Concepts
2016 - TEC Welder - DSTL
2016 - TEC Torch® H400 and C500/600 to Commercialization - DES
2016 - 12 GA RM Vehicle Door Breaching - DSTL
2016 - 12GA RM Door Breaching - DSTL
2015 - TEC Torch® Product Family Development - DES
2014 - Lightweight IED Blast Protection Concept Phase 2 - DARPA
2014 - 38mm Supercavitating Projectile Demomstration - Advanced Acoustic Concepts
2014 - 18mm Supercavitating Projectile Feasibility Demonstration - Advanced Acoustic Concepts
2014 - TEC Torch® Product and Accessory Development - NSWC Crane on behalf of USSOCOM
2014 - Underwater Cargo Projectile for Seamine Defeat - Advanced Acoustic Concepts
2013 - Metal Vapor Torch Product Order for T&E - USSOCOM
2013 - Lightweight IED Blast Protection Concept Phase 1 - DARPA
2013 - TEC Torch® Product Order for T&E - USSOCOM
2012 - Reactive Liner Blast Enhancement - Aerojet / B6 Sigma
2011 - Low Cost Production of Nano-Pyrotechnics - DoD Ordnance Technology Consortium (DOTC)
2011 - Selectable Output Weapon - Ensign Bickford Aerospace & Defense
2008 - Thermite Rupture Disc - Halliburton
2008 - Selectable Effects Munitions using APEX - Ensign Bickford Aerospace & Defense
2008 - Application of Nanoenergetics to Neutralize IED’s - Joint IED Defeat Organization
2020 - Small Arms Underwater Weapon Development & Demonstration - University of Texas - Applied Research Labs
2018 - 20mm Deepwater Gun & Projectile Demonstration - Office of Naval Research, Prime: Advanced Acoustic Concepts, LLC
2016 - Insensitive Structural Reactive Fragments - ICEPK, Air Force Research Lab (Prime: Southwest Research Institute)
2016 - Terminal Effects Warhead Development #3 - Air Force Research Lab (Prime: SAIC)
2015 - Terminal Effects Warhead Development #1 & 2 - Air Force Research Lab (Prime: SAIC)
2015 - TEC Torch® C500 Feasibility - DSTL (Prime: Pacific Scientific and Energetic Materials Corporation)
2015 - TEC Torch® Underwater Function Verification - DSTL (Prime: Pacific Scientific and Energetic Materials Corporation)
2011 - Joint Common Launcher - Tencate
2011 - 50Cal Paintball Development - (Prime: LMSW Inc, SBIR Phase 1)
2011 - Hybrid Energetics - Hybrid Energetics
2010 - Cryomilling Nanoenergetics - NAVAIR China Lake (Prime, Physical Sciences Inc, SBIR Phase 1)
2010 - Hybrid Energetics - Air Force Research Laboratory (Prime: Gunger Engineering, SBIR Phase 1)
2009 - Neutralization of VBIED’s using a PAN Disruptor Bullet - Department of Homeland Security (Prime: Univ. of Texas at Austin, Institute for Advanced Technology)
2007 - Development of Nanothermite Projectile for IED and VBIED Neutralization - National Institute of Justice (Prime: Univ. of Texas at Austin, Institute for Advanced Technology)